Causes and symptoms of depression

Depression is a condition of a person in which he feels low. This can affect a person’s behavior, nature mode and senses. People feel sad, hopeless, irritable and helpless in this condition. It can happen to anyone in any age, but in different ages its symptoms are different. When kids behave badly people think that it’s in their nature, they do not think that they could be depressed or sad which could be the reason of their bad actions. It is common thinking that older people have more problem of depression; it is true but not completely.  The percentage of depression is high in aged people. It can be their age factor or it can be because of facing too much hard circumstances throughout their life.

Many people do not take it seriously or feed any need for treatment. Some people do not even like to agree with the fact that they are feeling depression, they feel ashamed to accept it but ignoring it can lead to more disasters than one can think.

It is an estimate that more than 6 to 7 million of people are facing this problem but the number of those who actually get treated for that is relatively very low. But many of them are those who are facing mild condition that do not need any treatment. It cannot even be considered any problem at all. The medical term of this type of depression is subsyndromal depression.

The level of this problem in elder people shows that they need more care than they got in reality. The number of patients in health care institutions is increasing day by day. It is said that elders have feelings just like kids. They get hurt very easily and even small think can put bad effect on their nature.

There can be lot of reasons for a person to feel depressed. It can be their unachieved success or life history or family issues or professional setbacks.  Some seniors feel this because they do not want to accept the fact that they are getting old and cannot be able to cope with their physical changes. After retirement people stop meeting with other people, they lose their friends and because of one reason or another they do not get to socialize that can be the biggest cause for this condition.

The people who spend more time with each other can easily identify this condition if any of them having it because they get used to with normal actions of one another and a small change can surprise them. It can be family or friend or companion. People feel sad, aggressive or get confused in this state. They do not get to know what a why they are doing. Some people lost their hunger and some eat more in this condition. By looking closely it can be easily find out if your loved one id depressed or not.