Anxiety and its cures

Anxiety is a problem that can over your whole life and can leave you out of control. This problem itself a big issue and also bring many other diseases with it. Stress and anxiety can destroy a person’s social life as well. Some people do not even want to accept that they are having this problem; they feel ashamed to accept it. Some patient do not recognize it, just feel it. In this issue they claim to feel tired mentally and physically. Their minds stopping working, they take time to understand things. There are many symptoms that can tell when a person is having an attack such as he will over react over small things, feel out of order, feel weak both physically and mentally, and feel sleepy all the time. Too much Sleepiness is also one of the symptoms of this problem.

Some time people confuse it with weakness; they should know that there is a vast difference between weakness and anxiety. These both are two different issues. There are two types of this problem, one is mental anxiety and the other is physical. Physical anxiety means when a person feels difficult to use his shoulders and arm. They start paining with very little physical effort. This can happen when a person does some physical activity more than his physical capacity. Too much stress sometime also makes a person’s muscles to much heavier to use them.

Mental anxiety means when a person feels out of himself, his mind stop working. It gets hard for him to understand simple things. He feels sleepy all the time, get to much angry. His ability to control his behavior ends almost completely. In the worst cases of this issue people cut off from social lives, they stop going out of their home and stop any social activity.

Controlling this issue on the early stage can make it less bad or end it. But it is important for the patient as well as people around him to know judge and find out which things are causing this problem and which thing stress more. If it possible to control it or manage it or not. You can do many things to make sure that you do not feel stress, such as change your atmosphere, go for a vacation, avoid people who make you feel bad, and try to have positive attitude about things, and end the negativity of your nature. Taking these small steps can help you a lot.

Indulge yourself in more physical activities, but not those which are not in your physical capacity, walking and running in fresh air can help a lot. Change in diet is not seems a solution but in truth it can bring a great change. Healthy and happy meals can help to gain physical strength. Some yoga and other such activities can also help a lot. Do things which can relax your mind and give you some peace, it is the biggest cure.