Latest Trendy Choices for Kitchen Remodel Gold Coast in Countertop Resurfacing

Nowadays, there are many different materials for kitchen countertops for kitchen remodel Gold Coast. These include various types of natural stone, such as granite and quartz, such as laminate, wood and ceramics.

Everyone has different advantages and disadvantages. For those planning an incredible kitchen remodeling project, here’s a look at what some options are and what they have to offer.


Durable natural stone, granite, is one of the most popular options for new kitchen countertop materials. For a home cook, granite may not be as soft as other surfaces, especially when covered.

Sealed granite is more stain resistant, although unsealed granite is not. Family chefs can use their cutlery and roll the pastry on a smooth solid surface if you wish.

For the impressive kitchen remodeling, the price of granite ranges from $ 70 to $ 100 per square foot.


Laminate surface is one of the cheapest types of worktops. This requires the use of protective boards for cutting and slicing, as well as for preparing dough and food stains.

kitchen remodel Gold Coast

When you place hot pots and pans on it, it will burn or change color. When fired or cut, it is difficult to repair due to its layered construction.

The laminate comes in many different colors and styles. It combines easily with other kitchen finishes and costs about $ 10 to $ 45 per square foot.


Wood, a classic look in any kitchen bench-top resurfacing, is a relatively durable material. It is very resistant to abuse by cutting and cutting on it, but it is not good for stains and water because it cannot be sealed.

Unsealed wood is porous in nature and swells when exposed to water for extended periods of time. It should not be used to roll dough during cooking. Invest in a cake instead.

The price per square foot for wooden countertop varies greatly depending on the type of wood used and the complexity of the design. It can be in the price range of $ 40 to $ 160.

Ceramic tiles

Worktops made of ceramic tiles are a cheap option for home renovation projects. They do not offer a smooth solid surface, so they are difficult to prepare food.

It is best to leave the use of cutlery and the preparation of dough and purchased items on a cutting board or cutting board. Hot pots and pans will not damage the surface, but will stain if the grout between the ceramic tiles is not sealed.

Ceramic tiles add a decorative touch during kitchen remodel Gold Coast. They have a wide range of prices. They can be purchased for approximately $ 10 to $ 100 per square foot. To learn more about this topic visit our website.