The right way of employment process

It is now easy to find out about the company you want to work for. Before getting employment in any company, it is important for you to find out people’s opinion about the particular establishment. It has become easy because of social media and internet. You can know easily the truth about the companies claims that they do value their employees or not.

Companies will always do a background check on the employee they are hiring and will want to hire a person who can exaggerate about their achievements. Nevertheless, they do not show same attitude for themselves as they show for employees. Any job seeker will expect to know the truth about the environment of the company in which they are applying for job. They will also want to know the amount and type of work they will be doing, but some companies just exaggerate about themselves, in reality they do not offer as much as they have claimed. There are also some companies, who do not treat their employees well. Social media has already exposed some of these companies. It is hard nowadays to lie and not being exposed for both job seeker and employ so make sure to share only, which is true.

Some time companies don’t understand that what is that a an employee will hope from then. Companies show selfishness while hiring a worker; some of them behave badly with their employees. Social media has exposed some of them. Social media has provided lot of easy way for both employee and employer to do a background check on company and employee. They are misusing this benefit by putting false information on social media. This has

The gap in expectations between job seekers and companies calls for greater transparency from companies regarding their workplace. This has influenced badly on the process of employment. It is important for an employer to put the data on the ads for hiring process, this way it will be easier for job seeker to decide whether he is eligible for the category or not.

Lot of companies do not find it important to give the right data to the employee to work for them. They do not share the actual and potential data with worker and wants from him to exaggerate their achievements. it is rather difficult because of the social media. Companies do not provide a relax environment for worker in which he can use his abilities, information and skills freely for the sake of company.

It is important for both company and the employee to give on the true information about them for the sake of their reputation because eventually they will be caught. It is also important for an employee or worker to trust each other, and have a relationship where both can give their opinions easily. In addition, respect each other too.