What is fashion

Fashion means those things which mostly people like to adopt, something which helps to grow the personality of a person, change their looks and way of styling. When people get bored with same hairstyles and dresses, makeup and shoes, then there are some people who try to came up with new things for people so that they can have new styles to adopt. People who invent these styles are known as stylist, for every item there is a different stylist to design things for people such as for dresses there are dressmakers, for shoes there are shoe designers, and for hair and makeup styling, there are also professionals who use their artistic abilities to make people look more beautiful and adorable.

Fashion is something which is in the world from the centuries, or we it came after medieval era. But people didn’t know about that very much, only a few people which belong to high class have idea what is fashion and they were used to go for professionals to get ideas about the way they should dress themselves, but there were no specific styles and designs for common people. Till 18th century, styling and fashion remain only between upper class people in all over the world, it did not reach to common people till the mid of 19th century. Even at that time not many people were used to follow trends. After that people started copying other people for things like hair styles, shoes, dresses and many other things. Many people started copying actors and actresses for that and trends started to be set by these icons.

That was the time when this industry start getting higher and higher, and reach to its peak when a boom. Still the biggest industry in fashion world is of cloths. Designers applies their all the powerful art to turn clothes into artistic, aesthetics and natural design which made it the most desirable one of all the other industries.

The author of business builder, Jacqueline Grant Kent stated in book that the houses of designer dresses didn’t open until 1858; this was the time when the first house opened in Paris. Before that people were used to follow fashion, but there was no outlet or brand, people get ideas from those who came from other locations or big cities. Women used to contact to dressmaker to get some custom designs made for themselves according to their need, they were used to make their own hairstyles. People who can afford it traveled to Paris to buy more trendy cloths. It was the reason that Paris is still known as the hub of fashion industry.

From all over the world, people were used to send their employees to know about new trends to Paris for their shops, brands, magazines and outlets. They then change these designs according to the need of their countries and budgets.