Leakage and waterproofing

There are still things that that has impossible to stop properly even in this era when technology has advanced so much. Even technology has not been able to prevent the problems building constructor are having due to weather. Rainy season is the main reason when it comes to the damage of buildings made my stone work and natural stone.   The only way through which you can save your building from water is to waterproof it by using different products with water resisting ability. It is not as easy as you may consider it. Workers or builder not usually consider that the waterproofing is important at the time of construction and if some of them give it a shoot, the work would not be that solid and will not be long lasting.  This sometime happens because the worker and constructor misunderstood each other or some of bad constructor cut corners in the name of cost saving and to gain high income. In the end you will look at a beautiful building but will not know what is wrong until the bad things start happening.

The lot of water interruption happen in the building’s external surface, because constructor gives most of his attention to the inner design, maintenance and the construction of the building’s interior but in fact they should more focus the exterior of the building.  The inconsistencies of the designs and installations has become the most common reason of water leakage.

There are some things that works as a combination to avoid the water penetration into the wall of house and also keep the building safe from hard weather, these things are flashing system, waterproofing, damp water and roofing. It also stops the impurities such as chloride ion that worsen the steel, and also material diminishing to build ups essential components. Oxidation will be the result of water oozing in the walls and touch the steel. The building envelopes also prevent effect of the cold and heat, because if these things will be able to work with water, will cause more destruction than one can imagine.

Waterproofing is not a long lasting system, its life depends on the material that has been used for it and on the worker’s efforts. U.V rays strong weather and earth movements shorten the life of these barriers. These barriers can also be damaged if we do any modification in the building.

Exterior of the building, roofs and the wet area such as toilet and kitchen are more subterranean. If the roof has the leakage, there can be a pond of water due to leakage in the water tank but if the leakage is only during rain than the problem can be in the roof only. Some owner doesn’t have an idea who severe the problem is, so he contractors charge them extra claiming the water leakage is very severe.