Obesity problem in kids

Technology has make our life very easily but on the other hand it has done us some very bad things. There was a time when kids were used to spend their free time by playing physical games and sports which help them to be active and healthy but know there are lot of game available on computer for kids to play so they spend their free time or we can say that most of their time on the couch playing these games. It has given them an unhealthy lifestyle. This has become the reason of the lots of medical problems in kids. Obesity is one of those problems. The other reason of obesity in kids is unhealthy food or we can say junk food.

Obesity is the most dangerous medical problem. It will not wrong if we say that it is the mother of lot of medical issues such as heart attacks, troubles with respiratory system and muscles, backbone illnesses. There is lot of details to consider for increasing obesity in kids.

As told before kids do not move their body as they were used to in the past. They do not like to play physical game and prefer to spend their time in front of computer. That ways they do not get any fresh air active their minds and body.

Some parents do not prepare healthy food for their kids because of their busy lifestyle but give them any junk food they want. Parents do not have time to fuss over kids to make eat healthy food, and junk food is the most dangerous diet for kids. It is the main reason of obesity in children. Junk foods are considered dangerous even for adult.  Fast food is the other reason of this problem. Kids love fast food and parents prefer to take their kids to restaurant for that rather than preparing it at home. The sweets and cold drink that kids love to eat and drink are full of sugar and fats. Parents should stop their kids from eating this kind of food and make them eat food that has been prepared at home.

It is not good for kids to exercise very hard to loss their weight. It will just tire them and will be very disappointing for them. Make your kid to play physical games or sports rather than hard exercise, So that they can enjoy their activities.

Diet is not a good thing for kids. Changing their eating habit will more accurately than stop them to eat even healthy food. They will just lose their energy, and will not be able to gain any benefit from strict diet.  Just lessen the use of junk and fast food and prepare food at home for them.

Obesity is the biggest problem in the world in kids. it can harm your kids both physically and mentally, and can cause lot of other diseases.