Top Features of Sunshine Coast Driving School

Sunshine Coast Driving School has managed to help thousands of students annually pass with their practical driving trial. Our elevated passing rate of about 80 per cent is indicative regarding our work ‘s efficiency and integrity. Whether that’s your first time for both the test from behind the wheel or your brushing up, we have the knowledge and expertise to assist you on your journey of learning.

We are really a small family owned company and may not have a salesperson in a workplace who picks up the telephone and we do not pick up throughout a lesson so kindly leave a message or SMS and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

You also can search our online availability first before you place your information in. Only go online to register, then tick the correct lesson and then next. Choose a date you ‘d want to go outside and our lesson hours on that date will still be open. Press on it to discover a plan that suits you and enter your information. We’ll send you a message and an email confirmation.

Every person comes to Sunshine Coast Driving School with specific individual experience, expertise and abilities, and they have various service criteria.

  • Some people don’t know there are 3 pedals down there,
  • Some need only a ‘tune up’ once they confirm,
  • Some are phobic and others are fearful
  • Some seem to have too much trust for their skill level.

We evaluate each student first, and then customize our lectures and learning initiatives to accommodate each person. Each tutorial is designed to enhance the learners’ ability to obtain a driver’s license. From the early stages of your trip, we will help direct your learning by taking you to both a quiet back path, to introduce you mostly to clutch, to P plate prepared when we bring you via the harshest driving conditions that the Maroochydore or Nambour world can offer.

New drivers confront a considerably increased risk of crashing when transitioning from their L plates to their P plates, and this program is meant to encourage young people to become better drivers but rather relatively safe drivers. Students have about half its risk of collision compared to those who did not receive assistance with their P-plates from Sunshine Coast Driving School.