Use of marble and granite in building’s construction

Natural stone are the creation of nature, were formed under the earth with its pressure. These stones are being used to decorate the building and home’s walls and floor from decades. These stone are the great example of natural beauty and power. There are lots of historical buildings in which theses stones are used and still look as beautiful as they were in the past.  Modern people are as mesmerized by the beauty of these stones as the people were in the past. The trend to use these stone is still new and people love to use these stones whether to decorate their homes or other things.

There are two stone that are being used greatly in building “marble and granite”. These stone are not just being used is building and homes they are also being used in monumental sculpture. These stone are being used commercially in flooring, countertops, cladding, curbing and hundreds of other things.

Granite is available in lot of colors. Its texture is very much same as coarse granite very common texture in granite is Porphyritic. These can be found in big rocks. Some of these rocks have very beautiful but difficult patterns and cannot be matched easily. The use of granite was started by Egyptians. They used this stone for construction. There are also lot of momentums of Egyptians that had been made by using granite and limestone. The great example of Egyptian civilization the famous Pharaoh was built by using granite blocks. The rocks were implanted in a way that it is impossible to pass a thin paper through them.

Marbles are found in different countries like Greece, India, Spain, Belgium, Italy and France. In past that people thought that only white marble was the pure marble and the colored marble was mixed and is not worth. But after some time they started using colored marble as well as it was appreciated very much. It was use in different statue and memorial but still white marble has more value than colored. It is easy to use freshly mined marble for sculpture because it takes ages to harden.

The marble was used by Ancient Greeks because they were very advanced in civilization. Greeks were expert in sculpting and finest architecture and marble has played a very important role in Greek architecture. The Parthenon was built by using Pentelikon marble in 441-437 BC.  The temple of Artemis was built with marble. It had 127 columns with 5 stories each, but it was destroyed by people who tried to take over Greece.

After that lot of civilizations used marble and granite in their buildings. Romans used these stone in roads. The Taj Mahal that is the seven wonder of the world was built with white marble. The techniques of using these stone have been changed with time but these stone has still same values.